
Videos Posted by Justin Bieber Asia - Justin Bieber video message to Ind...

indonesia proudly present...

jreng jreng,




hey these are my new blog,i usually post a blog on myspace btw check out my 'myspace'!!! http://www.myspace.com/nanaddoughnut .i come from indonesia,have you ever heard this name before? i'm not too sure cause i know my country is a small country.Even though you know,i'm sure because of the tsunami that struck our country, or because we are a popular tourist spot Bali.But many people do not know Bali is part of our country.that's soooo pathetic.btw i don't know what to say anymore cause there was nothin to talk about :[ ......let me think
anyway tadi kita {gue,tasya,ayas,indah} bolos dong wkwk.
jadi tadi itu ada acara classmeeting gitu anak kelas 8nya pada lenong trus masa ya gue kedapetan PADUS >ternyata padus itu tampilnya besok jir ngapain sekolah kalo gitu. Abis itu kita kerumah indah yang di rawamangun itu GUESS WHAT kita naik bajaj it's so embarrasing
mirisnya gue naik berempat dan itu sangatlah sempiat.
gue paling pojok mangku tasya
ayas sebelah gue
indahnya setengah jongkok gitu
....brief stories..... SAMPE!!! *heaven* akhirnya setelah penantian panjang mangku orang kaki gemeteran pantat udah gosong...kita masuk dan seperti biasa buka internet {twitter,facebook,formspring,youtube,omegle dan kerabat kerabatnya} abis itu kita bikin video gajelas abis sumpah gak ada suaranya lagi wokaka buka ajadi youtubenih linknya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7zb6YZRW7g trus kita makan bakso enak trus emak gue jemput yaudah deh 0.0
that's all my story for today bye bloggyoggy thanks for reading.